Sunday, September 25, 2011

Close Up

Sometimes while on walks I find myself stopping to appreciate the tinier things.  I'm happy I have a camera that can capture some of the beauty I've encountered.

Here are a few of the beautiful small things I've encountered today.  I love the intricate shapes and textures.

 This is the immature fruit of Pokeweed.  Don't eat the berries!  They may be cute, but every part of this plant is toxic.

 This tiny flower is from the Jewelweed plant.  As a child, I used to search these plants out in the fall for their beautiful orange flowers and the surprise of their exploding seed pods (which gave the plant its nickname, "touch-me-not").  In case you find yourself with a bout of poison ivy or a rash from stinging nettles, crush the leaves of jewelweed and rub on the affected area for relief.

I love the photo of this honeybee hoarding pollen from a goldenrod plant.  That orange bump on its leg is only half of the collection it was bringing home to the hive.  What a diligent worker.

A close up of locust tree bark.

Next time you're outdoors, remember to take a moment to appreciate the small wonders around you.