Friday, March 9, 2012

Jumping In Head First

Maybe it's cabin fever from being cooped up this strange, snowless winter or maybe I've simply had a change in perspective.  Either way, I've come to discover that sometimes you just need to start something.

I took this to heart with maple sugaring.  I've wanted to try it for some time, but it always seemed like there was so much to prepare for.  I felt like I should have the nostalgic galvanized buckets, old-fashioned spiles and an antique evaporator ready to fire.  This year, the weather discouraged me because it often didn't even freeze all night.  Then, I had a realization.  The people who made maple syrup historically were not using tastefully designed materials or fancy equipment.  They were pioneers and couldn't afford to wait for perfect conditions.  They did the best they could with what they had.  My boyfriend and I decided that now is a better time than never, and we tapped the trees with the equipment we had.

I think there is some merit to "jumping in head first."  The passion and excitement that goes into accomplishing something you've dreamed about is enough motivation to overcome the odds before you.  It is also a reminder that you may not be handed the perfect conditions for easy success, but you have the intellect and resourcefulness to succeed anyway if you choose to.

It may not be the most efficient design,  I may not have a sugar bush full of the right maple trees and I may not have antique galvanized buckets, but it's a start.

And I'm proud of it. 

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